Product of the Month - June 2023

Douglas Fir

A new addition to our product range is due to arrive at our European Warehouse in July! Douglas Fir oil, from the botanical name Pseudotsuga menziesii, hails all the way from New Zealand and actually belongs to the Larch family. This oil provides a citrus undertone to the woody aroma compared to members of the Pine family in our collection.

Image from supplier: Douglas Fir forest 

The autumn and winter months in New Zealand are the optimal time to harvest and extract the Douglas Fir oil. This process will continue from April through to July until the tips turn bright green, this happens as the plant flushes in the Spring/Summer months, which causes a less aromatic odour and a smaller oil yield! All the trimming, processing and extraction occurs on site in the FSC-certified forest, a dedicated proportion of the forest is committed to growing the trees ready for harvesting, with only the new foliage being trimmed each year.

Image from supplier: Douglas Fir cones

Along with practicing their non-destructive harvesting techniques, our suppliers are dedicated to making long-term changes to improve sustainability in their operation. The current implementation of a biomass boiler shows our supplier’s willingness to ignore the most cost-effective option but to focus their efforts on how they can benefit the environment for the future. The techniques adopted in harvesting also mean that eventually 100% of processed fuel will be from the forest, resulting in the carbon registered forest becoming a carbon sink, continually capturing CO2, and locking it away. This makes Douglas Fir a sustainable and environmentally beneficial product to add to your next order!

Please email if you would like to receive a sample of Douglas Fir Oil or for any further information on the product!

Order a sample

Sample our Douglas Fir Oil


Contact us for further information and documentation.
Tel: +44 (0) 1993 882883

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