Organic Citronella Oil

Image: Organic Citronella fields in Indonesia

Organic Citronella belongs to the Cymbopogon plant family, which makes citronella a grass and therefore a cousin to Lemongrass, Palmarosa and Gingergrass.

Citronella oil has strong antifungal and antiseptic properties. It has reported success in being used as a weedkiller. Please do not ask us if Citronella oil has insect repelling properties (it probably hasn’t).

Our Organic Citronella oil is java type, so comes from botanical species Cymbopogon winterianus plants. The product from Indonesia is rich in citronellal, unlike similar oils grown in other regions, which is why we love it. We also applaud the way our producer partner works with the farmers.

Image: Farmers harvesting Organic Citronella in Indonesia

Ethical Supply

Our producer works closely with hundreds of independent Organic Citronella farmers in Indonesia to produce high quality Organic Citronella oil. They ensure that there is plenty of support and opportunity available for their farmers and aim to guarantee that there is equal opportunity available to all farmers regardless of age or gender.

They provide support through frequent training of organic farming and sharing knowledge on the international quality requirement of the oils. This also helps to ensure that the best quality of oil is available at a level of consistency.

Whilst high volumes of essential oils come from Indonesia, producers and farmers have been late in understanding and meeting the growing demands for organic cultivation.

As ever, if you would like to try a sample of our Organic Citronella oil, please email

Why not check out last November’s Product of the Month: Cypress Oil.

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