This is a widely used synthetic fragrancing ingredient, particularly used in production of personal care products, perfumes and as a fragrancing ingredient for cleaning products.

Khush Ingredients sources this key material from outside the EU where producers declare that they are against animal testing so it is suitable for cosmetics use. However, this does mean that Khush Ingredients has to pay import duty into the EU so pricing is a little higher than European sourced material.

Our principal source is from China, where 180kg drums are available.

Supply route is approximately 8 weeks from producer and goods are shipped and delivered using ADR transport for a UN3082 class 9 material.


EC number:


EC name:

Ionone, methyl-

CAS number (EC inventory):


CAS name:

Ionone, methyl-

REACH Registration No.


Fully registered by Khush Ingredients Ltd in UK and

Khush Ingredients BV in Netherlands

Molecular formula:


Molecular weight range:


INCI Name: not part of INCI naming

REACH Name: Ionone, methyl-

Also known as: Methyl Ionone – Gamma, MIG




Typical concentration

Concentration range


EC no.: 204-846-3

ca. 62.0 % (w/w)

>= 60.0 — <= 70.0 % (w/w)


EC no.: 231-926-5

ca. 21.0 % (w/w)

>= 20.0 — <= 30.0 % (w/w)


EC no.: 204-843-7

ca. 8.0 % (w/w)

>= 1.0 — <= 10.0 % (w/w)


EC no.: 201-231-1

ca. 4.5 % (w/w)

>= 0.0 — <= 6.0 % (w/w)

Reaction mass of 3,6,10-trimethylundeca-3,5,9-trien-2-one and 7,11-dimethyldodeca-4,6,10-trien-3-one


EC no.: 909-122-7

ca. 0.5 % (w/w)

>= 0.0 — <= 2.0 % (w/w)


Physio-chemical properties



Physical state at 20°C and 1013 hPa

Liquid, slightly yellowish

Melting / freezing point

< -20 °C

Boiling point

270.6 °C at 1013.25 hPa

Relative density

0.9300 D20/4

Vapour pressure

0,0022 hPa at 20° C

Water solubility

21-44 mg/l at 20° C

Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (log value)

4.5 – 5.0 at 23° C

Flash point

126° C


Non-flammable upon ignition.

The substance has no pyrophoric properties and does not liberate flammable gases on contact with water.

Explosive properties


Self-ignition temperature

254° C at 1013 hPa

Oxidising properties

no oxidising properties


13.1 mPa*s at 20° C


Main Safety and Handling Statements

Skin Irrit. 2 (Hazard statement: H315: Causes skin irritation.)

Eye Irrit. 2 (Hazard statement: H319: Causes serious eye irritation.)

Aquatic Chronic 2 (Hazard statement: H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.)


Full safety data sheet available on request.

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