Oregano Oil

Marjoram, pot, ext. INCI: Origanum vulgare oil/leaf extract Disclaimer: The information provided by Khush Ingredients is a summary of information from producers. All information is provided without warrant or liability. Codes: CAS No. 84012-24-8 / 8007-11-2 EC No. 281-670-3 Description: Origanum vulgare is native to the Mediterranean region, with countries in this area being the biggest […]

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Nutmeg Oil

Myristica fragrans, ext. INCI: Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) kernel oil Disclaimer: The information provided by Khush Ingredients is a summary of information from producers.  All information is provided without warrant or liability. Codes: EC No. 282-013-3 CAS No. 84082-68-8 / 8008-45-5 Description: Nutmeg seeds is cultivated from the fragrant nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) trees. These trees are native

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Sandalwood Oil

INCI: Santalum album, Santalum spicatum, Santalum austrocalidonicum  Disclaimer: The information provided by Khush Ingredients is a summary of information from producers.  All information is provided without warrant or liability. Codes: Santalum spicatum CAS No. 8024-35-9 / 92875-02-0 EC No. 296-618-5   Santalum album CAS No. 84787-70-2 / 8006-87-9 EC No. 284-111-1 Description: Sandalwood oil is used as a base

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BREXIT Statement Update

KHUSH INGREDIENTS, REACH, BREXIT & ORGANICS NOVEMBER UPDATE Khush Ingredients would like to further update our customers in the UK and Europe about the consequences of the upcoming exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The main update is that the new expected BREXIT date of 31st January 2020 is likely to be

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